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VOICEBOOK recording studio in Milan, Italy

We have two recording studio and three post-production studio in the centre of Milan, Italy,  which allow us to be fast in our productions and to operate simultaneously on different projects.

Always respecting and guaranteeing a high quality final product.

We are able to link with partner studios all over the world through SOURCE CONNECT, IPDTL and CODEC ISDN (in addition to Skype, obviously). This permits us to record and direct talents, anywhere and in real time. 

Beemedia, via Appiani 12, 20121 Milan. Italy.  +39 02 2900 5326

Among our equipment:


  • Avid ProTools
  • Controller: Focusrite Command8 /Edirol PCR-500
  • Monitoring: Genelec 1030A / Genelec 8040° / ADAM A5X
  • Microphone: Neumann U-87A/ AKG C414B-XLII


  • Source Connect, Ipdtl, Roonect.
  • ISDN EQUIPMENT Centauri 3001 / Centauri 3001 III.
  • 4 ISDN lines
  • Compatible with most codecs: APT-X, MPEG (Layer2-Layer3), OPUS, CDQ PRIMA, MUSICTAXI, TELOS ZEPHYR, SCOOPY, AAC, GLENNSOUND and many more;
  • Type: Layer II, Layer III, G.722, AAC, and many others.

Source Connect Address: studiowt
Skype Address: Beemedia

VoiceBook, recording studio in Milan, Italy. Phone + 39 02 2900 5326 Powered by BeeMedia

Service Type
The best Native Italian voice casting
recording studio in Milan, Italy. The best Native Italian male voice casting for dubbing, localization, advertising, podcast